After visiting and writing about a few dozen distilleries for the past decade, this distilling companion website was created to emphasize the spirits industry. Welcome to the distilling site. Under the menu item Distilleries, you will find articles about distilleries that the Wine Trail Traveler team has visited. The Spirits Simplified menu provides readers with articles about different spirits such as bourbon. Under the menu item Recipes, you will find an assortment of cocktail recipes. The Advertisers section includes those distilleries that advertise with Wine Trail Traveler.

In late September while visiting a distillery, a comment was heard. "I do not know the difference between bourbon and whiskey. I get a lot of different answers." This is one of those statements that gave impetus to the development of a companion website devoted to distilling and visiting distilleries around the world.
Recent Distillery Visits
Dragon Distillery
Lost Ark
Check out the recipe section. There are over 30 cocktail recipes and recipes for sauces and desserts.